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Svelte Cryptocurrency Icons

sponsor npm Created by Shin Okada License npm

470+ SVG crypto currency icon components for Svelte.

Thank you for considering my open-source package. If you use it in a commercial project, please support me by sponsoring me on GitHub: Your support helps me maintain and improve this package for the benefit of the community.

Repo #

GitHub Repo

Installation #

pnpm i -D svelte-cryptocurrency-icons

Usages #

In a svelte file:

  import { Btc, Eth, Usdt, Usdc, Bnb } from 'svelte-cryptocurrency-icons';

<Btc />
<Eth />
<Usdt />
<Usdc />
<Bnb />

Faster compiling #

If you need only a few icons from this library in your Svelte app, import them directly. This can optimize compilation speed and improve performance by reducing the amount of code processed during compilation.

  import Btc from 'svelte-cryptocurrency-icons/Btc.svelte';

<Btc />

Props #

  • size: string = ctx.size || ‘32’;
  • role: string = ctx.role || ‘img’;
  • variation: ‘black’ | ‘color’ | ‘icon’ | ‘white’ = ctx.variation || ‘color’;

IDE support #

If you are using an LSP-compatible editor, such as VSCode, Atom, Sublime Text, or Neovim, hovering over a component name will display a documentation link, features, props, events, and an example.

Variation #

The default variation value is color. Use the variation prop to change it to solid.

<Btc variation="black" />

Size #

Use the size prop to change the size of icons.

<Btc size="30" />
<Btc size="40" />
<Btc size="50" />

If you are using Tailwind CSS, you can add a custom size using Tailwind CSS by including the desired classes in the class prop. For example:

<Btc class="shrink-0 h-20 w-20" />

Setting Global Icon using setContext #

You can establish global icon preferences in your Svelte application using setContext. This allows you to configure icon-related properties once and share them across multiple components. Here’s how you can do it:

  import { setContext } from 'svelte';

  // Define your global icon settings
  const iconCtx = {
    size: '100', // Icon size in pixels
    variation: 'color', // Icon color in hexadecimal or CSS color name
    role: 'svg icon image' // Accessible role for the icon
  setContext('iconCtx', iconCtx);

The size, role, and variation properties are optional, allowing you to fine-tune the appearance and accessibility of your icons as needed.

If you set size, icons can be customized with different colors. For example:

  import { setContext } from 'svelte';
  import { Btc } from 'svelte-cryptocurrency-icons';
  const iconCtx = {
    size: '50'
  setContext('iconCtx', iconCtx);

<Btc variation="black" />

Remember that you can set only one or two of these properties, allowing you to tailor icon settings to your specific design and accessibility requirements.

Feel free to mix and match these properties as needed to create visually appealing and accessible icons in your Svelte application.

Creating a Default Icon Setting #

You can create a config file, /src/lib/icon.config.json.

The Icon component serves as a wrapper for svelte:component, allowing you to establish a global default setting or expand the capabilities of a component.

To create a default global icon setting, follow these steps:

Configuration File #

Start by creating a configuration file named /src/lib/icon.config.json with the following structure:

  "config1": {
    "size": 40,
    "color": "#FF5733"
  "config2": {
    "size": 50,
    "color": "#445533"

In this JSON file, you can define different configurations (config1 and config2 in this case) for your icons, specifying attributes like size, variation, and color.

Implementation #

In your Svelte page file, make use of the configurations from the JSON file:

<script lang="ts">
  type IconConfig = {
    config1: {
      size: number;
      color: string;
    config2: {
      size: number;
      color: string;
  import config from '$lib/icon.config.json';
  import { Icon, Abt, Ankr } from 'svelte-cryptocurrency-icons';

  const iconConfig: IconConfig = config;
  const config1 = iconConfig.config1;
  const config2 = iconConfig.config2;

<Icon {...config1} icon="{Abt}" />
<Icon {...config2} icon="{Ankr}" />

We import the configurations from the JSON file and assign them to config1 and config2. We then utilize the Icon component with the spread attributes {...config1} and {...config2} to apply the respective configurations to each icon.

Custom Default Icon #

If you wish to create a custom default icon, you can follow these steps:

Create a Svelte component named src/lib/MyIcon.svelte:

<script lang="ts">
  import type { ComponentType } from 'svelte';
  const config = {
    size: 30,
    color: '#FF5733'
  import { Icon } from 'svelte-cryptocurrency-icons';
  export let icon: ComponentType;

<Icon {...config} {icon} />

This component, MyIcon.svelte, accepts an icon prop which you can use to pass in the specific icon component you want to display. The default configuration is also applied to the icon.

Implementation in a Page #

To use your custom default icon in a Svelte page, do the following:

  import MyIcon from '$lib/MyIcon.svelte';
  import { Abt } from 'svelte-cryptocurrency-icons';

<MyIcon icon="{Abt}" />

Here, we import the MyIcon component and the Abt icon. By passing the Abt icon to the icon prop of MyIcon, you apply the default configuration to the icon.

CSS framworks suport #

Use the class prop to change size and add additional css.

Tailwind CSS example:

<Btc class="h-24 w-24 mr-4" />

Bootstrap examples:

<Btc class="position-absolute top-0 px-1" />

aria-label #

All icons have aria-label. For example Btc has aria-label="btc". Use ariaLabel prop to modify the aria-label value.

<Btc ariaLabel="btc icon" />

Unfocusable icon

If you want to make an icon unfocusable, add tabindex=“-1”.

<Btc tabindex="-1" />

Events #

All icons have the following events:

  • on:click
  • on:keydown
  • on:keyup
  • on:focus
  • on:blur
  • on:mouseenter
  • on:mouseleave
  • on:mouseover
  • on:mouseout

Passing down other attributes #

You can pass other attibutes as well.

<Btc tabindex="0" />

Using svelte:component #

  import { Btc } from 'svelte-cryptocurrency-icons';

<svelte:component this="{Btc}" />

Using onMount #

  import { Btc } from 'svelte-cryptocurrency-icons';
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  const props = {
    size: '50'
  onMount(() => {
    const icon = new Btc({ target: document.body, props });

Import all #

Use import * as Icon from 'svelte-cryptocurrency-icons.

  import * as Icon from 'svelte-cryptocurrency-icons';

<Icon.Btc />
<Icon.Eth />

<Icon.Usdt size="50" />
<Icon.Usdc size="50" />

<h1>CSS HEX color</h1>
<Icon.Bnb size="50" color="#ff0000" />
<Icon.Btc size="50" color="#3a7cff" />

<h1>Tailwind CSS</h1>
<Icon.Eth size="50" class="text-pink-700" />
<Icon.Usdt size="50" class="text-blue-500" />

Other icons #


Original source #


License #

Svelte-Circle-Flags License

spothq/cryptocurrency-icons License